* Copyright (C) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt file in the project root for full license information.
* =+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
* HTTP Library: Oauth 2.0
* For the latest on this and related APIs, please see: https://github.com/Microsoft/cpprestsdk
* =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
#pragma once
#ifndef CASA_OAUTH2_H
#define CASA_OAUTH2_H
#include "cpprest/details/web_utilities.h"
#include "cpprest/http_msg.h"
namespace web
namespace http
namespace client
// Forward declaration to avoid circular include dependency.
class http_client_config;
} // namespace client
/// oAuth 2.0 library.
namespace oauth2
namespace details
class oauth2_handler;
// Constant strings for OAuth 2.0.
typedef utility::string_t oauth2_string;
class oauth2_strings
#define DAT(a_, b_) _ASYNCRTIMP static const oauth2_string a_;
#include "cpprest/details/http_constants.dat"
#undef DAT
} // namespace details
/// oAuth functionality is currently in beta.
namespace experimental
/// Exception type for OAuth 2.0 errors.
class oauth2_exception : public std::exception
oauth2_exception(utility::string_t msg) : m_msg(utility::conversions::to_utf8string(std::move(msg))) {}
~oauth2_exception() CPPREST_NOEXCEPT {}
const char* what() const CPPREST_NOEXCEPT { return m_msg.c_str(); }
std::string m_msg;
/// OAuth 2.0 token and associated information.
class oauth2_token
/// Value for undefined expiration time in expires_in().
undefined_expiration = -1
oauth2_token(utility::string_t access_token = utility::string_t())
: m_access_token(std::move(access_token)), m_expires_in(undefined_expiration)
/// Get access token validity state.
/// If true, access token is a valid.
/// Access token validity state.
bool is_valid_access_token() const { return !access_token().empty(); }
/// Get access token.
/// Access token string.
const utility::string_t& access_token() const { return m_access_token; }
/// Set access token.
/// Access token string to set.
void set_access_token(utility::string_t access_token) { m_access_token = std::move(access_token); }
/// Get refresh token.
/// Refresh token string.
const utility::string_t& refresh_token() const { return m_refresh_token; }
/// Set refresh token.
/// Refresh token string to set.
void set_refresh_token(utility::string_t refresh_token) { m_refresh_token = std::move(refresh_token); }
/// Get token type.
/// Token type string.
const utility::string_t& token_type() const { return m_token_type; }
/// Set token type.
/// Token type string to set.
void set_token_type(utility::string_t token_type) { m_token_type = std::move(token_type); }
/// Get token scope.
/// Token scope string.
const utility::string_t& scope() const { return m_scope; }
/// Set token scope.
/// Token scope string to set.
void set_scope(utility::string_t scope) { m_scope = std::move(scope); }
/// Get the lifetime of the access token in seconds.
/// For example, 3600 means the access token will expire in one hour from
/// the time when access token response was generated by the authorization server.
/// Value of undefined_expiration means expiration time is either
/// unset or that it was not returned by the server with the access token.
/// Lifetime of the access token in seconds or undefined_expiration if not set.
int64_t expires_in() const { return m_expires_in; }
/// Set lifetime of access token (in seconds).
/// Lifetime of access token in seconds.
void set_expires_in(int64_t expires_in) { m_expires_in = expires_in; }
utility::string_t m_access_token;
utility::string_t m_refresh_token;
utility::string_t m_token_type;
utility::string_t m_scope;
int64_t m_expires_in;
/// OAuth 2.0 configuration.
/// Encapsulates functionality for:
/// - Authenticating requests with an access token.
/// - Performing the OAuth 2.0 authorization code grant authorization flow.
/// See: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-4.1
/// - Performing the OAuth 2.0 implicit grant authorization flow.
/// See: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-4.2
/// Performing OAuth 2.0 authorization:
/// 1. Set service and client/app parameters:
/// - Client/app key & secret (as provided by the service).
/// - The service authorization endpoint and token endpoint.
/// - Your client/app redirect URI.
/// - Use set_state() to assign a unique state string for the authorization
/// session (default: "").
/// - If needed, use set_bearer_auth() to control bearer token passing in either
/// query or header (default: header). See: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6750#section-2
/// - If needed, use set_access_token_key() to set "non-standard" access token
/// key (default: "access_token").
/// - If needed, use set_implicit_grant() to enable implicit grant flow.
/// 2. Build authorization URI with build_authorization_uri() and open this in web browser/control.
/// 3. The resource owner should then clicks "Yes" to authorize your client/app, and
/// as a result the web browser/control is redirected to redirect_uri().
/// 5. Capture the redirected URI either in web control or by HTTP listener.
/// 6. Pass the redirected URI to token_from_redirected_uri() to obtain access token.
/// - The method ensures redirected URI contains same state() as set in step 1.
/// - In implicit_grant() is false, this will create HTTP request to fetch access token
/// from the service. Otherwise access token is already included in the redirected URI.
/// Usage for issuing authenticated requests:
/// 1. Perform authorization as above to obtain the access token or use an existing token.
/// - Some services provide option to generate access tokens for testing purposes.
/// 2. Pass the resulting oauth2_config with the access token to http_client_config::set_oauth2().
/// 3. Construct http_client with this http_client_config. As a result, all HTTP requests
/// by that client will be OAuth 2.0 authenticated.
class oauth2_config
oauth2_config(utility::string_t client_key,
utility::string_t client_secret,
utility::string_t auth_endpoint,
utility::string_t token_endpoint,
utility::string_t redirect_uri,
utility::string_t scope = utility::string_t(),
utility::string_t user_agent = utility::string_t())
: m_client_key(std::move(client_key))
, m_client_secret(std::move(client_secret))
, m_auth_endpoint(std::move(auth_endpoint))
, m_token_endpoint(std::move(token_endpoint))
, m_redirect_uri(std::move(redirect_uri))
, m_scope(std::move(scope))
, m_user_agent(std::move(user_agent))
, m_implicit_grant(false)
, m_bearer_auth(true)
, m_http_basic_auth(true)
, m_access_token_key(details::oauth2_strings::access_token)
/// Builds an authorization URI to be loaded in the web browser/view.
/// The URI is built with auth_endpoint() as basis.
/// The implicit_grant() affects the built URI by selecting
/// either authorization code or implicit grant flow.
/// You can set generate_state to generate a new random state string.
/// If true, a new random state() string is generated
/// which replaces the current state(). If false, state() is unchanged and used as-is.
/// Authorization URI string.
_ASYNCRTIMP utility::string_t build_authorization_uri(bool generate_state);
/// Fetch an access token (and possibly a refresh token) based on redirected URI.
/// Behavior depends on the implicit_grant() setting.
/// If implicit_grant() is false, the URI is parsed for 'code'
/// parameter, and then token_from_code() is called with this code.
/// See: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-4.1
/// Otherwise, redirect URI fragment part is parsed for 'access_token'
/// parameter, which directly contains the token(s).
/// See: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-4.2
/// In both cases, the 'state' parameter is parsed and is verified to match state().
/// The URI where web browser/view was redirected after resource owner's
/// authorization. Task that fetches the token(s) based on redirected URI.
_ASYNCRTIMP pplx::task token_from_redirected_uri(const web::http::uri& redirected_uri);
/// Fetches an access token (and possibly a refresh token) from the token endpoint.
/// The task creates an HTTP request to the token_endpoint() which exchanges
/// the authorization code for the token(s).
/// This also sets the refresh token if one was returned.
/// See: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-4.1.3
/// Code received via redirect upon successful authorization.
/// Task that fetches token(s) based on the authorization code.
pplx::task token_from_code(utility::string_t authorization_code)
uri_builder ub;
ub.append_query(details::oauth2_strings::grant_type, details::oauth2_strings::authorization_code, false);
ub.append_query(details::oauth2_strings::code, uri::encode_data_string(std::move(authorization_code)), false);
ub.append_query(details::oauth2_strings::redirect_uri, uri::encode_data_string(redirect_uri()), false);
return _request_token(ub);
/// Fetches a new access token (and possibly a new refresh token) using the refresh token.
/// The task creates a HTTP request to the token_endpoint().
/// If successful, resulting access token is set as active via set_token().
/// See: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-6
/// This also sets a new refresh token if one was returned.
/// Task that fetches the token(s) using the refresh token.
pplx::task token_from_refresh()
uri_builder ub;
ub.append_query(details::oauth2_strings::grant_type, details::oauth2_strings::refresh_token, false);
details::oauth2_strings::refresh_token, uri::encode_data_string(token().refresh_token()), false);
return _request_token(ub);
/// Returns enabled state of the configuration.
/// The oauth2_handler will perform OAuth 2.0 authentication only if
/// this method returns true.
/// Return value is true if access token is valid (=fetched or manually set).
/// The configuration enabled state.
bool is_enabled() const { return token().is_valid_access_token(); }
/// Get client key.
/// Client key string.
const utility::string_t& client_key() const { return m_client_key; }
/// Set client key.
/// Client key string to set.
void set_client_key(utility::string_t client_key) { m_client_key = std::move(client_key); }
/// Get client secret.
/// Client secret string.
const utility::string_t& client_secret() const { return m_client_secret; }
/// Set client secret.
/// Client secret string to set.
void set_client_secret(utility::string_t client_secret) { m_client_secret = std::move(client_secret); }
/// Get authorization endpoint URI string.
/// Authorization endpoint URI string.
const utility::string_t& auth_endpoint() const { return m_auth_endpoint; }
/// Set authorization endpoint URI string.
/// Authorization endpoint URI string to set.
void set_auth_endpoint(utility::string_t auth_endpoint) { m_auth_endpoint = std::move(auth_endpoint); }
/// Get token endpoint URI string.
/// Token endpoint URI string.
const utility::string_t& token_endpoint() const { return m_token_endpoint; }
/// Set token endpoint URI string.
/// Token endpoint URI string to set.
void set_token_endpoint(utility::string_t token_endpoint) { m_token_endpoint = std::move(token_endpoint); }
/// Get redirect URI string.
/// Redirect URI string.
const utility::string_t& redirect_uri() const { return m_redirect_uri; }
/// Set redirect URI string.
/// Redirect URI string to set.
void set_redirect_uri(utility::string_t redirect_uri) { m_redirect_uri = std::move(redirect_uri); }
/// Get scope used in authorization for token.
/// Scope string used in authorization.
const utility::string_t& scope() const { return m_scope; }
/// Set scope for authorization for token.
/// Scope string for authorization for token.
void set_scope(utility::string_t scope) { m_scope = std::move(scope); }
/// Get client state string used in authorization.
/// Client state string used in authorization.
const utility::string_t& state() { return m_state; }
/// Set client state string for authorization for token.
/// The state string is used in authorization for security reasons
/// (to uniquely identify authorization sessions).
/// If desired, suitably secure state string can be automatically generated
/// by build_authorization_uri().
/// A good state string consist of 30 or more random alphanumeric characters.
/// Client authorization state string to set.
void set_state(utility::string_t state) { m_state = std::move(state); }
/// Get token.
/// Token.
const oauth2_token& token() const { return m_token; }
/// Set token.
/// Token to set.
void set_token(oauth2_token token) { m_token = std::move(token); }
/// Get implicit grant setting for authorization.
/// Implicit grant setting for authorization.
bool implicit_grant() const { return m_implicit_grant; }
/// Set implicit grant setting for authorization.
/// False means authorization code grant is used for authorization.
/// True means implicit grant is used.
/// Default: False.
/// The implicit grant setting to set.
void set_implicit_grant(bool implicit_grant) { m_implicit_grant = implicit_grant; }
/// Get bearer token authentication setting.
/// Bearer token authentication setting.
bool bearer_auth() const { return m_bearer_auth; }
/// Set bearer token authentication setting.
/// This must be selected based on what the service accepts.
/// True means access token is passed in the request header. (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6750#section-2.1)
/// False means access token in passed in the query parameters. (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6750#section-2.3)
/// Default: True.
/// The bearer token authentication setting to set.
void set_bearer_auth(bool bearer_auth) { m_bearer_auth = bearer_auth; }
/// Get HTTP Basic authentication setting for token endpoint.
/// HTTP Basic authentication setting for token endpoint.
bool http_basic_auth() const { return m_http_basic_auth; }
/// Set HTTP Basic authentication setting for token endpoint.
/// This setting must be selected based on what the service accepts.
/// True means HTTP Basic authentication is used for the token endpoint.
/// False means client key & secret are passed in the HTTP request body.
/// Default: True.
/// The HTTP Basic authentication setting to set.
void set_http_basic_auth(bool http_basic_auth) { m_http_basic_auth = http_basic_auth; }
/// Get access token key.
/// Access token key string.
const utility::string_t& access_token_key() const { return m_access_token_key; }
/// Set access token key.
/// If the service requires a "non-standard" key you must set it here.
/// Default: "access_token".
void set_access_token_key(utility::string_t access_token_key) { m_access_token_key = std::move(access_token_key); }
/// Get the web proxy object
/// A reference to the web proxy object.
const web_proxy& proxy() const { return m_proxy; }
/// Set the web proxy object that will be used by token_from_code and token_from_refresh
/// A reference to the web proxy object.
void set_proxy(const web_proxy& proxy) { m_proxy = proxy; }
/// Get user agent to be used in oauth2 flows.
/// User agent string.
const utility::string_t& user_agent() const { return m_user_agent; }
/// Set user agent to be used in oauth2 flows.
/// If none is provided a default user agent is provided.
void set_user_agent(utility::string_t user_agent) { m_user_agent = std::move(user_agent); }
friend class web::http::client::http_client_config;
friend class web::http::oauth2::details::oauth2_handler;
oauth2_config() : m_implicit_grant(false), m_bearer_auth(true), m_http_basic_auth(true) {}
_ASYNCRTIMP pplx::task _request_token(uri_builder& request_body);
oauth2_token _parse_token_from_json(const json::value& token_json);
void _authenticate_request(http_request& req) const
if (bearer_auth())
req.headers().add(header_names::authorization, _XPLATSTR("Bearer ") + token().access_token());
uri_builder ub(req.request_uri());
ub.append_query(access_token_key(), token().access_token());
utility::string_t m_client_key;
utility::string_t m_client_secret;
utility::string_t m_auth_endpoint;
utility::string_t m_token_endpoint;
utility::string_t m_redirect_uri;
utility::string_t m_scope;
utility::string_t m_state;
utility::string_t m_user_agent;
web::web_proxy m_proxy;
bool m_implicit_grant;
bool m_bearer_auth;
bool m_http_basic_auth;
utility::string_t m_access_token_key;
oauth2_token m_token;
utility::nonce_generator m_state_generator;
} // namespace experimental
namespace details
class oauth2_handler : public http_pipeline_stage
oauth2_handler(std::shared_ptr cfg) : m_config(std::move(cfg)) {}
virtual pplx::task propagate(http_request request) override
if (m_config)
return next_stage()->propagate(request);
std::shared_ptr m_config;
} // namespace details
} // namespace oauth2
} // namespace http
} // namespace web